Lodge Under Three Skeletons
The Just and Perfect Lodge under the Three Skeletons is the first post-war Regular Lodge working in the Orient of Wrocław under the auspices of the Grand National Lodge of Poland.
History of the Lodge
Our newly established Lodge adopted the name Lodge Under the Three Skeletons, thus referring to the history and tradition of the first Masonic Lodge established in Wrocław. Since we cannot forget the past while looking to the future, we would like to present the history and early operations of the Lodge Zu den drei Todtengerippen, as well as our own beginnings.
As a result of the Silesian Wars, starting from the year 1741, Wrocław and Silesia came under Prussian rule. Shortly before King Frederick II of Prussia took control over Wrocław and the surrounding lands, specifically on May 18, 1741, seven Brother Masons gathered in the residence of a Silesian major and decided to undertake the task of building the first Masonic Lodge in the city of Wrocław.
After three quarters, on February 1, 1742, the arduous preparations culminated in the Bringing of Lights and the official commencement of the Lodge Under the Three Skeletons. The Lodge was then established by seven Brothers from the Berlin Lodge Under the Three Globes (the first five in the third degree, and the remaining two in the second degree).
The Founding Brothers decided to adopt the Statutes and Laws of their Mother Lodge—the Berlin Lodge Under the Three Globes, recognizing themselves as its sister lodge.
Initially, the Lodge Under the Three Skeletons worked in French. From the spring of 1742, it conducted meetings in German, though only during gatherings of journeymen and apprentices. The Brothers fully transitioned from French to German for all activities only in 1770.
Thus constituted, the Lodge worked until the outbreak of the Seven Years’ War, which interrupted the Lodge’s activities for ten years.
After this interruption, the Lodge worked continuously until January 24, 1844, when it merged with two other Wrocław Lodges: Under the Column and Under the Bell, forming the United St. John’s Lodges called the Lodge Under the Three Skeletons, Under the Column, and Under the Bell (Vereinigten St. Johannis-Loge genannt zu den drei Todtengerippen, zur Säule und zur Glocke).
Throughout its existence, the Lodge had over 320 Brothers working within it. The number of Brothers—members of the Lodge—ranged from a few dozen in the early years to over 70 at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. During the hundred years of activity before the merger, Lodge Officers were elected more than thirty times, and around twenty different Brothers served as Worshipful Master.
Now, after more than a quarter of a millennium, we, the Founding Brothers of the first post-war Masonic Lodge in Wrocław, operating under the banner of the Grand National Lodge of Poland, have completed our arduous Work and have been witnesses and participants in the rekindling of the Light in Lower Silesia.
Teraz, po ponad ćwierć milenium, my Bracia Fundatorzy pierwszej wrocławskiej, powojennej Loży Wolnomularskiej, działającej pod sztandarem Wielkiej Loży Narodowej Polski ukończyliśmy trud Pracy i mogliśmy być świadkami i uczestnikami ponownego zapalenia światła na Dolnym Śląsku.
The path to establishing the Lodge in Wrocław was neither easy nor swift. The history of our Masonic Triangle began in the Katowice Lodge—Lodge No. 9—Silesia, from which the first Brothers involved in the Construction of our Temple originated. The number of Brothers working on the Idea of establishing a Lodge in Wrocław grew, and Brothers from other Polish Lodges also began to join the initiative.
Laying the foundations for the Ceremony of Bringing in the Light, we worked on ourselves. In our meetings, we delved into the Masonic history of Wrocław, including the first Wrocław Lodge—Lodge Under the Three Skeletons. It was then that we decided to continue the Wrocław tradition and, by starting the post-war chapter of Freemasonry in Lower Silesia, to honor the first Lodge in this region by adopting its name in the future.
Our work gradually began to bear fruit. The first official result was the establishment of the Masonic Triangle for the creation of the Wrocław Lodge, which was founded on July 24, 2019.
Despite the challenges we faced, such as the pandemic which led to the suspension of Lodge activities, we managed to achieve our goal. The culmination of our efforts came in mid-November 2021, when our Triangle fulfilled its mission and submitted a request to the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand National Lodge of Poland for permission to Bring in the Light and establish the first post-war Masonic Lodge in Wrocław. Our request was accepted, and on February 19, 2022, 280 years after the establishment of the historically first Lodge Zu den drei Totengreippen, the Light was rekindled in Wrocław—in the Lodge Under the Three Skeletons.
The history and tradition of the first Wrocław Lodge, which we wish to explore during our work, set a high standard for us. We hope to create an open and fraternal lodge where Brothers from not only Wrocław and Poland but also from neighboring Czechia and Germany will meet to the glory of the Great Architect of the Universe.